Hey dears! There are now TEN members in the forum! Yay! I have this feeling that this forum is going to grow and grow and grow! But the coolest part is that we are the original ten members of this forum. So wouldn't it be cool to get to know each other more? SO instead of hopping from thread to thread to figure out where everyone came from and all that.. I just want to open this thread to everyone here who would like to share which part of the planet are you from! So on this thread, if its ok with you, please share the following info:

1. Where are you from?
2. How old are you? (You can be specific or as vague as giving us an age bracket.. hehe!)
3. Do you have a personal blog or website about your craft?

If you don't feel comfortable sharing or answering some of the questions above, you don't have to answer it. This is just more of a "get to know you" kind of thread.

So let me start:
1. I'm from the Philippines! (Am I the only asian here?)
2. I'm 29 years old. (And still single. hihi. I think most of you have families already)
3. Yes I have. It hasn't got anything to do with crocheting though. Its a fashion, beauty, and events blog. The link is on my signature.

Hope to get to know more of you lovely ladies out there.