Hello, My Precious Crochet Family!!

What are you grateful for? Not just one thing, but what all are you grateful for?

Thanksgiving is 2 mere days away and while some of us are fortunate enough to have family to spend this Big Holiday with, a lot of us aren't. And a lot of us are in places where Thanksgiving won't be recognized, like our Military overseas.

A lot of Americans will be working on Thanksgiving Day, some retail stores, all hospitals, police, 1st responders, nursing homes, and more I am sure. Airports, bus stations, train stations are open and operating on Thanksgiving Day.

I, for one, am grateful to be an American and to live in the United States.
I am grateful that I can vote.
I am grateful for by a series of flukes that I ended up in the office of a gifted spine surgeon who saved me from complete paralysis.
I am grateful for the good health I DO have!
I am grateful for all of my online friends!!
I am grateful I can still use my hands.
I am grateful for my Smudge kitty.
I am grateful for my friend Deb, who just called me and invited me to spend Thanksgiving Day with her huge family.
There is so much more I could list...................
