Hey, yawl,

I just wanted to post this as another getting to know each other better. Some of us live in big cities, some of us in little towns, rural areas.....
How do yawl get your daily mail?

A few steps from my front door is a community type mail box receptacle dealie, lol several of the apartments have our mailboxes there. Each of us has a key to our own private mailbox. I see my mailman turn the corner and speed(not really SPEED) down the street, deliver there then he swings around and gets to us on his way back up my street. If I am waiting for a package I go out and yak with him a bit. He's a really nice man, but the subs are not as good as he is, I think.

So, how do yawl get your mail? Do you have a PO box in town that you go to every day or how?

I feel for those guys delivering mail in horrid weather, it really can be so dangerous for them. I can remember a time where we had no paper delivery cos the roads were either so rural and they were under too many inches of snow or ice, but I can not remember a single time where I have not gotten my daily mail delivery. Mon through Sat, that is.