I wondered if ya'll were getting tired of my troubles but some have said you want to know so I came through the test fine and don't have to have another for 5 years. YEAH!! My knee surgery is scheduled for the 1st but my insurance company hasn't okayed it so I doubt that I will make that date. In April they okayed the surgery...in June!!! I hate insurance companies! The other knee that I fell on is doing well so that is no longer an issue. I want to know why the right knee hasn't improved after the replacement in October of last year. I had it scoped in Feb I think and they couldn't find what was wrong so they were going to do open surgery on it in April and when the insurance company didn't ok it in time the dr decided I had to wait for a year to have it done again. So I have waited and I still have pain every time I get up or sit down and when I try to life my leg. So prayer that this will happen in a timely manner is my wish. Thanks so much for your concern you will never know how much you have helped me through some tough times. I am crocheting on the sock monkey blanket for my great gdaughter so I am busy. Thanks friends!!