Hi Teri, I agree here is my story about passing it on. I had a very close friend that went with me to my mothers house to visit. My mother was doing some crochet and my friend was so excited about it she asked my mother to show her how to do some stitches. Later my friend never came to see me anymore and I didn't understand why. I tried to reach her but she told me she was really busy and would get back to me. I was pregnant at the time and was planning the nursery. A few of our friends gave me a baby shower and my friend came too. It was so nice to see her again after such a long time and her gift to me was a beautiful white and blue baby blanket that she crocheted.
That is why I had not see her because she wanted it to be a surprise for me and it was.
I tried to get my daughter interested in sewing or crochet but she does not like to do it but she loves what I do. My little 4 year old grand daughter loves my hooks and yarn and I let her do what she wants with them.(the yarn is in knots later but she is interested in learning and she tries). I just learned a few months ago my older grand daughter had a roommate that does crochet and showed her some stitches. She loves to do it and has started a blanket. She telephoned me one day to ask me why her blanket is getting smaller as she is going up. Easy mistake for beginners. I was so excited about that because now when I leave this earth I have two grand daughters that I can pass down this craft and all my hooks and needles.