Girl With Angelic Voice Sings Beautiful Rendition Of ‘Amazing Grace’

Julia Westlin’s passionate rendition of the ageless classic “Amazing Grace” reminds us of the finished work on the cross and the grace that has come to us through Jesus Christ. God’s mercy and grace is available to us, no matter how great our sins may be. “For by grace you have been saved through faith.” […]
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Siblings Hears Brother’s Heartbeat In Another Man’s Heart At A Baseball Game

Life is full of uncertainties and surprises, a chance meeting at a baseball game led to an emotional encounter for two families, like nothing before. Donovan Bulger’s siblings, attended a St. Louis Cardinals game on Sunday at Busch Stadium to honor his life at the MLB team’s Transplant Awareness Day. Bulger passed away in 2016 […]
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Dad Has The Best Response To Trolls Who Attacked His Daughter With Down Syndrome For Dancing At Soccer Game

Most times people can be really nasty towards children with autism and special needs and that can extend to social media as well. But one loving and courageous dad from Banbury, Oxfordshire, England, whose Down Syndrome daughter took a lot of abuse from trolls because she danced at a football game. Neil Markham and his […]
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Tim Tebow’s Mom Shares Incredible Testimony Of How She Refused Doctor’s Advice To Abort Her Son

Tim Tebow is a world renowned athlete and a man of faith who uses his popularity as a platform to speak about the wonders of God. But recently when the Heisman Trophy recipient’s mother shared her testimony about his birth, it melted the hearts of thousands of social media followers. One of the best gifts […]
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Kind Samaritan Climbs Into Car Wreckage After Hit-And-Run Case To Pray Over Elderly Woman

An elderly lady was caught up in a serious car accident but what happened next will shock you. Submitted by Scott Miser (yesterday) GARLAND COUNTY – 1300 BLOCK TREASURE ISLE ROAD: rollover injury vs utility pole..patient refused medical treatment Posted by Arkansas 911 News on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 The woman from Lafayette, Indiana was […]
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