My Summer Gardening Experience

Waiting, wondering, expecting and reaching goals...that's what makes gardening exciting for me! With the weather being extremely hot this summer, I've been grateful to receive "small gifts" of harvest. As I dart outside to water, weed and care for my veggies and fruits; I quickly get back inside to the cool comfort of my home. Awwww thank God for the ac system!

I planted, some seeds germinated and some didn't survive. The cycle of life! I prefer watching the growth of seeds peek out from beneath the soil. I did buy a Hungarian Hot Wax pepper and a Celebrity tomato plant. Have harvested 4 peppers and 2 fresh and delicious! Today I harvested and have eaten 2 slices of my 1st cantaloupe from my garden. It is so sweet and juicy! They are 4 more good-sized ones on the vines. Just waiting 'til harvest time! My okra seedlings are gaining momentum. I recently replanted watermelon seeds and they are growing rapidly. The temp must be just right for them now! No sight of the chives I recently planted! The tomato plants from seed are just leafy and green. Maybe too much fertilizer too soon... it's a wait and see game. The challenge is on! I have the patience to plant and replant. No worries! I'm really enjoying the lushness that I see on my patio and in my small in-ground garden. Watching the bees buzzing and pollinating is a sight to be seen! I'm enjoying this adventure that is happening right in my own backyard!

What's happening in your garden?

~Happy Gardening~Butterflyrose