Kevin Witte from our church was on his way to work at 7:10 in the morning when a pole hit him. He is brain dead and no sign of life.

This was on Facebook:
21 hrs ·

Here is the full update:

I know many of you saw the articles about he accident. He was brought to the hospital in Holland and they shipped him off to Butterworth as soon as he was stable enough. He coded a couple times along the way. We don't know how long his heart stopped or how long he was without oxygen. They resuscitated him both times.

They did a CT as soon as he got to Butterworth. They showed no bleeding on the brain.

They did a 2nd one a little later and there was slight bleeding and very little brain activity. They still don't know if it's all just from the trauma or if there might be long term issues.

They drilled a hole into his skull to place an EVD to relieve the pressure on his brain. This was successful which is the best news we could have right now.

We were allowed to go see him and there are a lot of mixed emotions.

They just took him for another CT scan and when he's stable enough an MRI to fully assess his condition.

Praying for some brain activity.

He is responsive to pain and continues to try to breathe on his own so there are positive signs, but so many questions.

I will continue to keep you all updated as much as I can.

7 hrs ·

The doctors have done all they can do. There was no change in status over night.

They've taken him off all medication and we're just waiting. Waiting for a flinch, a cough, any sign.

His family was by his side all night including Shari's parents and two of her sisters.

Keep those prayers coming.

Kevin and his wife Shari are a young couple and have 3 children. You can see their picture on Facebook.

This was on our prayerline from church:

Please continue to pray for Kevin Witte and his family; Kevin is in critical condition after his car struck a 44-foot pole that swung off a truck as he was on the way to work yesterday