Hi all, hope everyone is doing well.

It has been very hectic the last few weeks. Three weeks ago, I finally received a date for surgery and as of now, unless there is a change in date and time, I am due for outpatient surgery on Fri. Aug. 5 for melanoma skin cancer. I had pre-op last week, all went well. Now it is countdown time.

What the oncology surgeon will do is first inject me with dye so they can identify lymph nodes to remove (just a few) and they will be biopsied to see if it has spread, 80% of the time it doesn't spread, 20% of the time it does. Then he will clean out what is there, at this point, have no idea how deep or wide he has to go, until he opens me up, no clue. Hopefully, it will be less invasive and I can recuperate quicker. I don't know what it is like to do less than 100 mph so this is not going to be pretty if I am laid up and have to stay put LOL. But I will do it, otherwise it will make it worse.

So that is the story, I have been doing things in my home that I had put off for a while so now they are done (finally). Just finishing up a few things before Friday.

My pastor and his wife are coming to my home Thursday evening to pray with me (and also bless my house and vehicle), they are just terrific people. When they were away and couldn't take their little doggie, they asked me to sleep at their house and stay with her. OMG! I had only met them in December 2015 when I began to go to their church. Then I watered their plants while they were away (this time they took doggie) in July. They paid me for both times and I felt guilty taking the money but I put it right back into the church mission projects that we do.

Once I find out exactly what is going on, will update everyone. Please take care and have a safe summer.
