I know there other widows on this site. I became one Nov.7 2014 I don't feel like a widow--I still feel married to my husband. I am fortunate that my three children live close and we all get a long. I am 64. Physically I am fine--those are things that come with age regarding my health. Proably surprises that will come a long. My oldest grandchild will be 13 in Nov. and the youngest one will be 6 in June. Their getting big so fast. Seems like my kids just graduated from High School.

I don't know how to explain it ---but it feels weird all the changes and makes me feel unsettled and weepy sometimes. I am not complaining just stating how it feels. So thankful for God to keep on the right path and grateful He uses His shepherd's staff to keep me there. I feel sorry for my grandkids for having to grow up in this society but praying God will keep their souls safe.

Just wondering how other widows are coping. God Bless and keep you all.