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    What is your favorite vegetable garden or flower beds?

    I finally am doing it. I am getting rid of three of my flower beds. I've kept putting it off because I have so many perennials in these beds. But it is time- One flower bed takes me two days to weed. I look around and I think I got carried away with all the beauty God put into flowers. Now I am hoping I will have cut back enough to
    be able to weed them all --cut grass and --ride my bike--play with Skittles (my teddy bear dog) and watch 7 out of 11 grandkids play softball and one boy play baseball. Those granddaughters really get on me when I say baseball instead of softball for girls. But their all smiles when granny hands out quarters and Dollars for snacks at the concession stand. That's the fun of being grandma.

    I have a small veggie garden too. My husband used to say why plant so many flowers --you don't get anything out of it ---like you do a veggie garden. Flower gardening is a little piece of heaven for me here on earth. I still have 5 flower beds. I am still in the process of getting rid of the three and arranging the other five.

    What ever your favorite --happy gardening and God Bless

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    mkp's Avatar
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    Hi, Susie Ann. We haven't had a garden of any kind for a few years because I've been sick and could not care for it. But this year I'm thinking about container gardening. I've never tried it but it doesn't sound hard. And I won't have to bend down to weed. I love snap dragons and calla lilies in all colors. But I really cannot pick a favorite because they are all amazing. God has given this beauty to enjoy while we are here. Can you imagine what His kingdom will look like?!?!?!!!

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    Hi mkp I think that is a wonderful idea. I think one trick is to make sure they have enough water but not over doing it. My daughter always loved snapdragons. I know I love them all too that is why I think I over did it with the flower beds. I think about how beautiful it will be too. I think I would like to live in a meadow in heaven with trees close by. Think of sleeping in a meadow all soft and full of flowers. No prickly weeds to poke us or bugs crawling on us. God Bless you dear sister-in-Christ

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    Hi. My husband and I are replacing the fence that runs along the side and across the back of our property. The weather has not been co-operating. We would like to finish that before we start on the container gardening. Today was too chilly, it's supposed to rain tomorrow and finally on Saturday we're supposed to have warm sunny weather. I was thinking about planting carrots, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and maybe strawberries or raspberries. And now I want snapdragons and calla lilies. In heaven there will be no cars or vehicles, and no "ear pollution."

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    That sounds wonderful. Some of everything. I finally made a dent in my flower beds. Little by little I will get there. I need to do some cleaning today because the kids are coming for mother's day tomorrow. I would rather be outside though. God Bless

  6. #6
    Nova55's Avatar
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    I've chosen to simplify a bit also. I lost three mum plants that I'm not replacing, and I'm trying to encourage my husband to take down the "wishing well" planter (we would replant the flowers, though).

    My husband is much more into the vegetables too. Last year we couldn't have a veggie garden because the year before we tried and realized we had a major fungus problem in the soil. So last year he spent the summer killing the fungus and composting. If the weeds that grew in the garden space are any indication, the fungus problem is gone and we should have a great garden this year. He's now working on setting up a soaker hose system, which should help to counteract any future fungus. Can't wait for the cantaloupe!

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    It's been raining here today so we couldn't work outside. I haven't been able to work outside in nearly six years. This year I really want to do yard work but the weather is not cooperating. But I know I'll get out there soon and then my husband will be watching me like a hawk to make sure I don't over do it. Bless his heart - he takes such good care of me. Well ladies, have a good day or evening. Talk to you soon.

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    Mkp sounds like you have a very thoughtful husband --I am happy for you. Haven't done any annual planting yet--I did some perenials and I found a white lavender plant today. I am going to get a purple lavender plant too and put them in a pot together so I can take it inside this year. They always die over winter. We have had strange weather in Wisconsin too. You never know. Take care and would love to hear more as you put in your garden.

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    Hi everyone. Thank you, Susie Ann. My husband is extremely thoughtful. Our weather here was (and still is) absolutely beautiful. So, my husband set up a table for the containers and then helped me fill them. He left the planting to me. I didn't get too many plants because we've never done container gardening before. If it works out well this year I will probably plant more next year. I only got 4 tomatoe and 4 cucumber plants, Brussel Sprouts and carrot seeds. And I got snapdragons! Purple, red, yellow and pink - 4 each color. I can't pronounce the name of the flower seeds I got, but they're deep purple and white, and are in the morning glory family. I have a very tall snake plant that needs to be repotted, and 4 succulents that are growing out of their pots. So, that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. I'm going to say goodbye for now, ladies. May the Lord continue to bless you and watch over you.

  10. #10

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    Sounds like your off to a good start. Happy gardening.

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