It will soon be Mother's day again. I lost my mom 17 years ago a week before Christmas. Here is a poem i wrote in her memory
IN THE ARMS OF AN ANGEL: In the arms of an angel is the one that I loved
She rose up to God's heaven above
On earth she graced me with her love and care
Losing her was so hard to bear
In the arms of an angel, she is warm and safe
Noone could ever take her place
Her pain is gone, she is happy at last
She will miss my future, but I will always have our past
I feel her presence when I am down
I can smell her perfume all around
In the arms of an angel, she looks down from above
And sees my tears and feels my love
No matter how far away she might be
She once said she would always be there for me
She was kind and gentle, I miss her so
It is so very hard to let her go
In the arms of an angel is where she wants to be
I am okay because I know she loved me
Angels are singing, heaven joyfully awaits
My dear mother j ust walked through the golden gates.
To all Mother's Happy Mother's day