Hello everyone. Sorry I have not been on the last few weeks. Had a lot of doctor appointments and then this past weekend we moved up the street from where we lived before. We moved from our single wide trailer to a really nice double wide. We have been praying about this place for quite a few months but just when it looked like we didn't know if we were going to get it or not the Lord blessed us with it. It is really nice and is a lot more room for get togethers at Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. we now have 2 extra rooms for guests and a large room for my craft room. We really like it. I might not be on all the time yet as I am still trying to organize things but I will try to get on when I can.
I am in a lot of pain right now. I have been in tears several times. It is hard for me to walk or bend right now. I have to go to the pain doctor next month. I have had to cancel some of my appointments because of this move. It was a last minute thing. The landlord informed us it was available and wanted us moved into it in 4 days so we were really rushed. I miss all of you and as soon as everything is organized I hope to be on more often. I just got my internet on yesterday. I have been without it since the first of the month. I look forward to talking to everyone again and welcome to any new people who have joined since I was on last. God bless you all.