Most of you do not know me but for those that do I am updating you on my health. This has been a hard year for me. I had a pulmonary embolism on the Saturday before Mother's Day and I was in the hospital for 4 days. I was home from Tuesday to Monday when I passed out and had a truck wreck. I was alone with my dogs and I ran off the road into a ditch and then a culvert and the truck almost flipped it was leaning over with wheels in the air. My face must have hit the steering wheel so it was badly bruised and I hit my head causing 2 large bumps. At the ER they found a brain bleed between the lobes and a broken back at T-12 and a broken pelvis. It was hard and I had surgery to repair the spine but I am home and recovering. I have worn a turtle shell brace but I am in a less restrictive one now. I have to wear the brace for 2 more months. I am still crocheting but I haven't finished the sweater I am working on. I am going to make sandals for my niece that is expecting a girl. Love to all my old friends and hello to the new ones.