My doctor called today and said that the iron and b12 tests came back normal so now she is concerned that I might be bleeding internally somewhere. It could be in the ducts or from the blood thinner I am on. She is going to order a colonoscopy to make sure it is not coming from there. If that comes back normal then she will be sending me to a hemotologist. Also she did a test for my kidneys and it came back low. Normal results should be 90 to 120 but mine came back 56 so she is going to take it again this week. So I will have to go to the lab to get more blood drawn for that. I am just so thankful that I have the Lord to help me through this. I am scared but not as much as I would have been if I didn't have Him. I trust in His loving care to get me through all of this. The Lord is my strength in times of trouble. He is my comforter in times when I need comforting. God has also blessed me with so many wonderful friends here on CT as well as other friends and a wonderful family to help me through. I love you all. Please pray that it is nothing really serious. I claim victory over all of this today and I am going to keep my faith that everything will be ok. One day at a time, sweet Jesus is all that I am asking from you.