Hi crochet friends,

I have not been by for a little while. (I peek now & then!) December hubby had bypass surgery & that is when they found the mass in his right lung. All kinds of tests & biopsy, hospital stays have happened. He is not a happy camper. Does not like going to the Dr.'s or taking meds. He is getting radiation & chemo. He was so sick Thursday when he went to hospital for treatment they didn't do them. Did a blood culture and x-ray. They said his white cell count was very low so must have an infection. They put him on antibiotics. Plenty of fluids and rest. He goes back Tuesday. I hope he is feeling better by then.
I work full time so I don't go with him but we have a good friend that comes & takes him. I worry so much & I see changes in him. He gets confused at times. I'm glad he does not have to drive himself there. Thank the Lord for friends that are always willing to help no matter what time it is!
I am working on three different crochet projects for others. Doilies for my sister, a baby outfit for a co-workers grandbaby & an afghan for another co-workers daughters wedding. I hope I can get them all done and done right! LOL
Thanks for listening.