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  1. #1461
    Pixieglitter's Avatar
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    Thanks y'all for your prayers. It means a lot to me, and to her, too.


  2. #1462

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    I was reading from my bible commentary by J. Vernon McGee He really makes it simple and explains things so you can understand. I wanted to share this because it made a big impression on me. A statement by G.Campbell Morgan Of the revelation of God's anger , he said This is a supreme necessity in the interest of the universe. Prisons are in the the interest of the free. Hell is the safeguard of heaven. A State that cannot punish crime is doomed, and a God Who tolerates evil is not good. Deny me my Biblical revelation of the anger of God, and I am insecure in the universe. But reveal to me this Throne established, occupied by One Whose heart is full of tenderness, Whose bowels yearn with love, then I am assured that He will not tolerate that which blights and blasts and damns,but will destroy it, and all its instruments the interest of that which is high and noble and pure.

  3. #1463

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    Thanks for the info Susie Ann!

    Mom had her third chemo yesterday. It went well. Mom's back hurts a bit and the steroids they give with the chemo has made her hyper. She didn't sleep much. I was up several times checking on her or answering her call. After lunch today I take her in for a two hour IV fluid. I'm tired and my body aches. Thank goodness the wind isn't blowing like a hurricane today! It's been blowing and gusting around 40mph since last Sunday. Ground was blowing, made for horrible allergy and sinus symptoms. Found out my cousin's colon cancer is back on his lung and bladder. So he'll be taking treatments but no surgery this time. He'll be on and off chemo for the rest of his life. He's six years older than I. He wants to fight it all the way, he's got grandkids he wants to be with for as long as possible. He had a bad reaction to a new chemo drug and had to go to emergency at hospital. Had to use the equivalent of five Epi-pens to counteract so he could breathe. And the nurses said it was a miniscule amount of chemo they gave him. So Drs will go to plan B.

    My brother-in-law is spreading fertilizer on the wheat ground today, will be at it for several days. So I'll fix him a lunch. Will have to cook lunch for my sister and him tomorrow. May make spaghetti for them. Easier and filling.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday! Hugs to all!! And thanks for the prayers and good wishes!!

  4. #1464

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    The steroids will do that. Sorry to hear about your cousin. Dear Lord my friend is having a rough time right now. Thank You that you are with them and will give them strength. Sometimes it just seems so overwhelming--alot of the time. Help them Lord --your the only one that can. The Lord Bless and keep you all. Keep remembering this is not my true home and there is a place we are going that the Lord will wipe away all our tears. But don't hold your tears in --sometimes a good cry is a good release. Love and hugs My heart goes out to you

  5. #1465
    Pixieglitter's Avatar
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    Linda, I'm relieved to know your mom's last chemo treatment is behind her. Now she, and you, just have to get through the next few days, hopefully, without any complications or extreme side effects. Those steroids can really be nasty. Hopefully, taking them is giving your mom a good appetite though so she can keep her strength up.

    I'm continuing to send out prayers of healing and peace for you both.


  6. #1466

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    Thanks Susie Ann and Shelley!! Mom will have one more treatment on Oct. 8th. Then she will be evaluated, scanned, etc... fluids twice a week between treatments has helped tremendously. With fluids the day before and after also. Thank God her blood work has been fairly good. The Neulasta is doing it's job. I pray and think about you both with your individual struggles and families. God bless you both!

  7. #1467

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    It is wonderful the chemo is almost over. Glad the fluids are helping.

  8. #1468

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    Hi everyone, mom's running a 100° fever. A little above normal is ok. But they want it reported if it goes to 100.5°. Her face looks puffy to me. And she's sleeping now which she needs. She ate a good breakfast and lunch even though she didn't have much appetite. This chemo seems to be a bit rougher than last time. She goes in for IV fluid tomorrow so I'll talk to the nurses. Just wanted to let you all know and ask for prayers. I have a stress, allergy headache today but I did go to Sunday school while my sister stayed with mom. She went to church because she runs the sound system and so we trade off so we both can go to church. There may be a nap in my future today!!! Ha!!!

  9. #1469
    Winnie2013's Avatar
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    Hi Linda, I'm sorry to hear your mom is running a fever I hope it is better tonight. Maybe the fluids will help tomorrow I pray that they will. I know this has been hard on your mom and you but God is able even when we aren't. Take care love Winnie

  10. #1470

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    Thank you, Winnie! That means alot to us! Mom's temp this morning is 99.2°. It'll probably go up toward evening. I give her Tylenol which brings it down. We'll see what the nurses think. Hugs!!! Linda

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