Hello members,

I have to tell you I have not went fishing since I was a kid. I went allow this evening with a close friend of mine who is ready for the season. We took along two catfish poles and one for spoonbill.

As he was doing his spoonbill thing, I caught my first blue catfish of the season! I was so excited and wanted to keep it. It was a pretty good size for me - about 18-24 inches long.

He fishes for the extremely large ones - like 40 to 50 pounds and up! Well, my daughter who is 10 has been waiting for this - I told him this one is for her.

The temperature is really not quite warm enough for bank fishing - the temp is in the 50's I am guessing - will be down to 42 tonight.

Needless to say - I am excited! I may have to go get some of my own fishing gear! Just wanted to share!

Do any of you like to fish? If you do - love to hear about it!