I know you all have been praying for us a lot. My husband has to have a heart cath on the 6th. If they see that his heart is strong enough for surgery. He will go from the VA to Bristol, Tn. Way over by Virginia. I want have a ride there to be with him. Or financially be there.Please sisters-in-Christ pray for us. Its really rough on us at this time. There I go a crying again. I am trying to be strong for my husband. But the surgery he has to have. Will be in behind his esophagus to his heart.I am not sure how long he will be there. I am sorry to burden you all down with our problems. But I have no one else to talk to. Or to ask for prayer. Just you all. None of my family are close to me. Except my Mother. They don't help in no way. I mean they love me in their own way. Thanks to all my sisters-in-Christ. I love you all. Arlene