I have been falling a lot, I am afraid I will fall and break my hip before I get to Georgia, I am moving there next weekend. I fell again last night and when I woke up it was really sore. Could hardly get out of bed. . If I get a little off balance I fall, it is happening more and more. Went to Dr and the can't find any reason for me falling and I am afraid of breaking my hip and will be an invalid down in Georgia, and have so many plans for down there.
So please pray that this staps quickly,

I do wear a lifeline around my neck so If I fall and can't get up I can press the button they cal me and get help if I need it.
Pray this falling will stop and not ruin my moving to Georgia. I have went to several Dr and had mri on my brain and they can find any reason for it.
Thanks a Lot