Good afternoon everyone. I just got home about 30 minutes ago. I want to thank you all for your prayers. The surgery went well but was pretty painful at some points. They did not put me totally under because they wanted me to answer questions but I was under enough to be half out of it. But then they put me further under when he started the burning part. They just kept giving me the medicine to make me sleepy a little at a time. I am still half out of it and I am quite sore. Right now I cant hardly walk or straighten up but he said that will get better over the next few days. I am just supposed to sit and rest today and take it easy the next few days and not do much. i have to take ibprofin for pain and put ice on my back
The Lord kept me strong and helped me to endure the more painful parts of it. I like my doctor he explained everything and even came in and checked on me after it was done. I like the nurses at the surgery center also they keep asking if you are ok and and they talk to you and rub your arm everyone is so sweet. I think i am going to take a nap now and I will be on later. Thank you for being such wonderful friends. God bless all of you .