Hello everyone -

I have tried to figure out a way to post an open message to my friends on my own profile page, but haven't been able to.
So, please forgive me for posting it in the forums. I still have not learned how to navigate here very well. Sorry!

As some of you may have noticed, I have been away here for awhile. I have spent the last several weeks taking care of my old dog, Opal Ann, who had cancer. Sadly, over these last few weeks her condition deteriorated to the point that I had to make the very difficult decision to let her go. I have been in a terrible depression since that time and not really up to working on any of my crochet projects or even coming online. I forced myself to try to make this post though, so my friends would not think they were being ignored or forgotten, especially those who left private messages for me during my absence.

To some people "it was just an animal"..... but to me she was my "baby"! I am as heartbroken over this loss as I would be for the loss of any family member. She was a very important member of my family and I am grieving for her still. She passed on April 23rd but it still feels like it was only yesterday to me. When she died she took a piece of my heart with her. Such a great emptiness..... an emptiness than only other animal/pet lovers can understand. And even though some will say "She was just a dog"...... I know that D-O-G is an anagram of G-O-D! I don't think that is simply a coincidence either! God gave us dogs to love and care for us as an example of His pure and perfect love. Some people say dogs don't go to Heaven.... but I know they MUST be there waiting for us when it is our turn to meet our heavenly Father.... because what kind of "heaven" could it be without our beloved pets there to greet us when we depart this earthly world? If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. That is the only "Heaven" for me.... to be reunited with ALL my family one day, even the pets who went before me.

Thank you all for your understanding. Please keep me in your prayers.
Depression has a way of getting a terrible grip on you when you have
lost someone you love. Since I have little human family my animals mean
a great deal to me and I know it may be some time yet before I am able
to cope with this terribly great loss.

Your friend,