My computer modem died last Friday ....Yes, I know it is very sad. After a phone call to my internet company on Monday, they promised to send a new modem. They were as good as their word. I received the new modem and after much poking wires here and there this morning, I got the green lights to come on as they were supposed to do. Then I had to call a number to have the modem activated. Of course, I was able to talk with a person who realized I was not computer savvy and he was quite patient with me and we got the modem working and I was able to bring up the internet. WOO HOO was I excited. I thanked the gentleman and wished him a very happy new year.
I took the needed break for my brain to relax and calm down. Afterwards, I tried to clean up the pile of email I figured I must have waiting for me. Oh no, can't use my email. Call another number....again the tech person realized immediately what kind of person she was going to have to help. She was also quite patient and polite (thank you, God for these kind people). She got my email up but I can't use my old email as it is now obsolete with the new kind of modem so I now have a new email that is so different from my trusty old email that it is going to take me quite a while to get the hang of using the new format. I can't move my old emails to the new email and I can't send email with my old email. I think my brain hurts from thinking too much today but I can at least get on CT again. I haven't been ignoring anyone....was just unable to get on the internet until now. I'm glad to be back. I missed all the news but I am wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year and hope everyone is doing well and had an enjoyable holiday season. HUGS, PRAYERS and LOVE to all, Shelly