Reading crochet  symbol can do it, too!-img_20140820_125723-jpgSome of you may have noticed that I haven't been around Crochet Talk much lately. Well, I've been busy working on a very cool project! Do you recognize the logo in this picture? Yes, that's me standing in front of it! I was filmed for a Craftsy class. They are putting the final touches on it as we speak! It will launch on October 22, 2014.

In the class, I teach the enrolled learners how to read crochet diagrams...and for those of you who are really, really nervous to learn, I really help you discover in small chewable steps and bites how to read diagrams. It was SO much fun to record this class and any of you who want to discover an unknown ability you have inside you will really benefit from a class like this one.

If you have never taken a Craftsy class, it's very different than youtube videos because you can ask questions, see your classmates' questions and read the answers the teacher writes to your specific question...or if a classmate has asked the same question, you can benefit by reading the teacher's feedback to them. You pay once (and there are often great sales) and you can rewatch the class for the rest of your life. You can stop and rewind easily, and there are handouts...and in my class, we make that lovely cowl you can see on the dressform behind me, so you not only learn symbol diagrams, but you get to make a fun project as well.

As soon as I know what my promotion code will be, I'll be sure to share it here...there will be a huge discount for first time joiners!

As I look at people's posts in the forums, it's becoming apparent that more and more people want to make patterns for which there are only diagrams and no text...if you take this class you'll be able to crochet from Japanese and Russian, French and Italian, Spanish and Portuguese patterns without knowing one big of those languages. Wouldn't that be fun?

If you want to read about my experience making these videos, I blogged about it a few weeks ago.