red heart yarn in white, yellow,and brown

Chain as long as bottom of cell phone, then take off 2
turn sc across ,when to last stitch sc 2 stitches
working on other side sc across to last stitch, then add 2 sc
working on other side , repeat around until the bottom is wide enough for phone.
Continue working in sc until it is at top of cell phone and tie off.
For Yolk:
Rnd 1 (Yellow) – ch 2, 8 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sl st to join rnd
Rnd 2 – ch 1, 2 sc in every st, sl st to join rnd (16 sts total)
Rnds 3 & 4 – ch 1, 16 sc, sl st to join rnd, break off yellow
fasten off, and place on bottom corner, whip stitch it to cosy leaving enough open to sove batting or cotton ball in, then continue to stitch it till done, on inside tie in a knot.

take white yarn chain 9 stitches turn sc across.
take brown and attach, sc around.
ontip chain enough for button to slip through, skipp middle stitches, and slip stitch and fasten off.
Stitch it to cozy
Sew on button

Your done