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    Lightbulb Half a Century Crocheting

    That's okay -- I don't believe it, either. Just turned 70 and still view crocheting as endlessly creative and fascinating, and the best way to spend my free time. I've been married 40 years, no kids, retired on a homestead in the Pacific Northwest.

    I will be reading through all the threads I can, to add to my knowledge, as there's always another stitch variation or interesting pattern I haven't seen before.

    I do need help with one of those gotta-do-this-pattern-or-I'll-just-DIE, as it's in Russian. Are you an international forum where some member might be able to help me translate?

    Here's the link: . ???????? ????????? ????? "??????? ????" - ??? ? ?????... (??????? ???????) - ?????? ???

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Now I'm off to start reading threads.

  2. #2
    Barbara G.'s Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to the crochet forums! Nice to have you here with us!

    I know someone posted recently in the forums about translating Russian patterns. Our members are from the states and other places in the world.

  3. #3
    Jean Marie's Avatar
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    Hi and Welcome Valerie

  4. #4

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    When I clicked on the link, the page came up. (It's beautiful, by the way.) My search engine in "Google". At the top of my page in the search bar, on the right, there's a little symbol just next to the star. Click that & a little window opens that says "translate" on it. Click that word & the whole page will be translated to English. Good luck!

  5. #5
    kl1000's Avatar
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    I can translate from Russian. Maybe, during the next week. I am so busy right now. I will
    ɹǝʞɐɯ ʎןıop ɐsıɹɐן

  6. #6
    kl1000's Avatar
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    Are you here???
    Size 230*180, weight 7,300 kg, made from the poliefir rope 4,5 mm, Clover #6 hook,
    It will take 2203 meters ( 11 200 meter balls + 3 more meters).

    It is the composition of the 3 doilies of Patricia Kristoffersen.

    The first part is from Ultimate lmage pattern.

    The middle is from the Rachel doily pattern

    The border is from Pineapple Fancy doily.

    Make chain 52 loops.

    1 row: make SCs from the 3rd loop from the hook, in the 50th loop make 2 SCs, then SC,
    finish with SC into the 3rd loop of the row, slip stitch.

    2 row: make SCs on the back loop, increase

    3 row: SC on the back loop, increase

    4 row: chain 3, ClusterDC, chain 2, Cluster 3 DCs, chain 2,

    5 row: chain 3 , 2DCs, 3 DCs into each arc from chain 2 , (the top - 3DCs, 2DCs, 3DCs, 2DCs)

    6 row: SCs

    7 row: chain 1, SC into this loop, chain 2, skip1 loop SC, chain 2, etc = в 76 arcs from chain 2.

    8 row: chain 2, SC into this loop, split from 2 DTRC ( the 1st DTRC into the 5th DC 5 of the row,
    the second DTRC after 3 DCs( into the 4 DCs of the 5th row) 3SCs, split from 2DTRCs, 3 SCs,
    split after 2DCc ( into the 3rd DC of the 5th row), 1 SC into th arc,
    1 SC into the next arc, split from 2DTRC, 1 SC into the arc, 1 SC into the next arc, etc

    9 row: SCs

    10 row: 3 crossed DCs, chain 1, skip 1 loop, 3 crossed DCs, chain 1, etc

    11 row the Author did not make the description (forgot).

    12 row: SCs

    13 row: SCs on the back loop

    14 row: SC, DC in the front loop of the 12th row, SC, in the front loop of the 12th row, etc.(oval 2SCs,
    DC into 12th row, 25 times)

    15 row: trelief slip stitch into the DC of the 14th row, chain 3, picot, relief before DC, picot,
    relief DC, picot etc.

    16 row: slip stitch, chain 1, ???(split?) SC around the same stitch, chain 3, ??(split?) SC, chain 3, etc.

    17 row: make 2DCs into each arc, = 30 arcs, make 3DCs into 18 arcs, make 2DCs into 32 arcs,
    make 3 DCs into 18 arcs, make 2 DCs into 2 arcs. slip stitch.

    18 row: SCs

    19 row: chain 1, SC into this loop, ??3DCs into 5DCs of the 17th row, SC, skip next etc
    (see the 12th row of the Ultimate lmage)

    20 row: chain 1, 3 SCs, chain 2 (skip 2 stitches), 3 SCs, chain 2 (skip 2 stitches), = 13
    arcs from chain 2, 8 arcs from chain 3,16 arcs from chain 2,8 arcs from chain 3,
    2 arcs from chain 3 SC, chain 2, slip stitch.

    21 row: chain 3, DC into this loop,( DC,chain 2, DC) into one loop,2DC next stitch (in 3 SC)
    skip arc, (DC, chain 1, DC) into one loop, DC,- 10 times, 13 times - 2DC,(DC, chain 2, DC)
    in one loop, 2DCs; 10 times - DC ( DC,chain 2, DC) DC; 13 times- 2DCs(DC, chain 2, DC)
    2DC - it is the 15th rowof the Rachel doily.

    22 row: see the 16th row of the Rachel doily ( chain 3, 2THCs, chain 2, 3 TRCs) into arc, etc

    23 row: see the 17th row of the Rachel doily

    24 row:see the 18th row of the Rachel doily (2SCs, chain 5) etc = 48 arcs

    25 row: chain 1,5SCs into teh arc, SC, picot, SC, 6 SCs into the arc, SC, picot, SC, 6 SC into teh arc etc

    26 row: slip stitch, 2 SCs into the arc. chain 5 2 SCs, chain 5 etc

    27 row: slip stitch, SC., picot, SC. 6 SCs into the arc, SC, picot, SC,6 SC into the arc etc for the oval -
    8 arcs of 8 SCs. at the end of the row make 6 SCs into the arc, SC, picot, SC, 3 slip stitches into the arc.

    28 row: chain 1 SC into 3 SC of the arc, SC, chain 5, 2 DCs,etc ( make chain 6 before the 8SCs arc),
    into 4 SC SC, SC, chain 6etc = 8 arcs from chain 6 (oval)

    29 row: chain 1, 2SCs into the arc into the 3rd and the 4th loop, 7 SCs into the arc from chain 5, SC, picot, SC, 9 SC
    into the arc from chain 6, etc ( this row should have mmore explanations for the better understanding)

    30 row: 3 slip stitches, chain 1, 3 SCs, chain 5, 3 SCs, chain 5, 3 SCs, etc

    31 row: chain 1, SC, chain 3, SC, 7 SCs into the arc, SC, chain 3, SC., etc (овал 9 SC)

    32 row: - (22nd row of the Rachel doily) slip stitch into the arc, chain 3, 2DCs, ( 3 SCs, 3DCs
    into the arc from chain 3 - (10 times 3 SCs) ), ( 4 times - 5 SCs, 3DCs), ( 4 times- 7 SCs, 3DCs),
    ( 4 times - 5 SCs, 3DCs), ( 12 times - 3 SCs, 3DCs), ( 4 times - 5 SCs, 3DCs), ( 4 times - 7 SCs, 3DCs),
    ( 4 times - 5 SCs, 3 DCs), ( 2 times-3 SCs. 3DCs), slip stitch.

    33 row: chain 1, 4 SCs. chain 2, 5 SCs, chain 2, 5 SCs., chain 2 etc ( on the back loop)

    34 row: chain 3, 2 DCs, into one loop- (DC, chain 2, DC), 2 DCs, skip arc,
    2DCs, into one loop - (DC, chain 2, DC), etc.

    35 row: chain 3(2DCs, chain2, 3DCs) into the arc, (?? TRC, TRC into the arc for the back loop, && TRC) -
    make with the one loop (see row 28 of the Rachel doily), (3 DCs, chain 2, 3DCs) -into the arc,
    (?? TRC, TRC from the back into the arc. ?? TRC) etc

    36 row: chain 1 ., SC into the same stitch, chain 3, skip 3 loops, DC ( into the triple loop),
    chain 3, SC into the arc from the chain 2, chain 3, skip DC etc.

    37 row: chain1 , 2SCs into the arc, ((SC, 2SCs into the arc) = 21 times)), (3SCs, SC - (32 times)),
    ( 2SCs, SC-28 times), (3SCs, SC - 32 times), (2 SCs, SC - 5 times) (something went wrong - the number of arcs is wrong.

    38 row: SC on the back loop, no increase.

    40 row: - ( 44th row of the Pineapple Fancy) slip stitch into the arc, chain 5, 2DCs, chain 2,
    SC into the arc, 2 SCs into the next arc, chain 4, 2 SCs into the arc, SC into the next arc, chain 2, *
    (2 DCs , chain 2, DC into chain 2, SC into the next arc, 2SCs into the next arc, chain 4, 2 SCs into the arc,
    SC into the next arc, chain 2)* etc

    41 row: (45th row of the Pineapple Fancy doily) - chain 5, 2DCs, chain 2,2 SCs, ( into the arc-2 DCs,
    chain 3, 2DCs), 4 SCs, chain 2, (into the arc- 2DCs, chain 2, 2DCs) chain 2, etc

    42 row: (the 46th row of the Pineapple Fancy doily) - chain 5, 2DCs, chain 2,(SC into the arc from chain 2),
    into the arc from chain 3 -(DC, chain 2, DC, chain 2, DC. chain 2 , DC, chain 2 , DC, chain 2, DC ( =6 DCs)),
    SC into the arc from chain 2, into the arc from chain 2 - (2 DCs, chain 2, 2DCs), chain 2, etc.

    43 row: (47th row of the Pineapple Fancy doily) - chain 5, 2DCs, chain 2, SC into the arc, SC, into the arc, SC in DC,
    (2SCs, SC in DC, 2 SCs, SC in DC, 2SCs, SC in DC), SC into the arc, SC into the arc, chain 2,( 2DCs, chain 2,
    2DCs - into the arc), chain 2, SC into the arc, SC into the arc, SC in DC, ( 2SCs, SC in DC - 3 times), SC into the arc, SC into the arc,
    chain 2, etc.

    44 row: (48th row of the Pineapple Fancy doily) - chain 5, 2DCs, chain 2, SC into the arc, skip 3 loops,
    8 SCs on the back loop, skip 3 loops(3 SCs), SC into the arc, chain 2,( into the arc - 2DCs, chain 2,2DCs,chain 2,2DCs),
    chain 2,8 SCs on the back loop etc.

    45 row: (49th row of the Pineapple Fancy doily) - chain 5, 2 DCs, SC into the arc, skip 2 loops,
    6s SC on the back loop, SC into the arc, * chain 2, (into the arc - 2DCs, chain 2, 2 DCs), chain 4 , (into the arc
    ( 2DCs, chain 2, 2DCs)), chain 2, skip 2 loops, 6 SCs on the back loop, SC into the arc etc *

    46 row: (50th row of the Pineapple Fancy doily) - chain 5, 2DCs, chain 2, * SC into the arc, skip
    2 loops, 4 SC on the back loop, SC into the arc, chain 2, into the arc - 2DCs, chain 2, 2 DCs; into the arc from
    chain 4 - chain 3, SC, picot, SC, chain 3, into the arc - 2DCs, chain 2, 2 DC; chain 2, * SC into the arc etc

    47 row: (51th row of the Pineapple Fancy doily) - chain 5, 2 DCs, chain 2, * SC into the arc, decrease
    two loops together, SC into the arc,chain 2, into the arc - 2DCs, chain 2, 2DCs; chain 3, SC into the arc; chain 5, SC. into the arc,
    into the next arc - 2DCs, chain 2, 2DCs *

    There the author understood all and did not describe her work

    48 row: (52 row of the Pineapple Fancy doily)
    49 row: (53 row of the Pineapple Fancy doily)
    50 row: (54 row of the Pineapple Fancy doily)
    ɹǝʞɐɯ ʎןıop ɐsıɹɐן

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