Got bored at another community, and thought I'd check things out here.

I learned how to crochet when I was 10. My elementary school girlfriend (who was a year younger) taught me how. I mainly made granny squares and little bunny motifs. I quit some time in High School, although I do remember making a hook out of an old Bic pen when I was away in college while my hooks were at home.

This past summer (July, 2015), I went home to Wisconsin to visit family. While at my dad's, he said he had some of my things in boxes in the garage attic, so we pulled them down, and I found my old hooks. I'd been trying to find a hobby to keep me occupied, and thought that maybe crocheting would do the trick.

Since then, I've made about 6 beanies, two pairs of slippers (one for me, one for my wife), a hooded cowl for my wife, a c-to-c throw for the couch, a crossword puzzle themed afghan for my MIL, about a half-dozen or so hand/wrist warmers, a cat-themed baby cocoon set for a friend, and am currently working on a single-color afghan for the end of our bed. I've increased my hook collection from 4 to I don't know how many.

I prefer Bates/inline hooks to Boye/tapered hooks, and have recently purchased a Furls Odyssey, which I love.

I use a knife hold, but tend to hold the hook with my fingertips, rather than in the entire hand.

I usually crochet while watching TV with the cats, while my wife is in her office working/playing on the computer. She says that I'm turning into her mother, while she's turning into her father.

And yes, I'm a guy.