Hello everyone,

I have recently started to crochet for the very first time, I'm getting on ok but I need a bit of help with the next few steps.

The pattern says
Rnds 8-12 Dc. (5 rnds).
Rnd 13 Dc30, (dc4, dc2tog) 3 times. (45)

Am I correct in thinking for rounds 8 to 12 that I continue from round 7 which has 48 stitches and just make 5 rounds of double crochet each round with 48 dc stitches?

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Also I'm completely stuck on round 13 instructions, help in plain English will be much appreciated.

Apologies if I appear daft but as I said this is the first time I've ever attempted crochet, so you'll probably find me on here again at some point asking for more help!

Thanks in advance