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Thread: Hi

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
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    Lightbulb Hi

    It was very sunny here so I had my sunglasses on ,ha,ha. I am planning to try to work up enough inventory between my best friend and I to have a craft booth this summer. Has anyone done this before. We think between the 2 of us with all the things we do(knitting, crocheting, needlework, sewing, etc. ) we should be able to market our wares so to speak. Has anyone else done anything like that and do you have any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Maryjane's Avatar
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    Welcome Jan! Glad you decided to join us! I sell children's things-toys, dolls and games at Craft Fairs! There have been many posts on this site about Craft Fairs. Just look around on this site and you will probably find them! My best advice about Craft Fairs is to relax and enjoy it! I love to crochet so making things is no problem! And as long as I make back the money I paid for the space I'm happy! Good luck!

  3. #3
    Barbara G.'s Avatar
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    United States
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    Welcome Jan,

    We have several members who have done craft fairs. Here are links to some of the discussions which have taken place about fairs:

    By the way, welcome to the group!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Hello Jan2, Welcome to the forum, I have sold at craft fairs as well & it is alot of fun, a few things i would suggest to you are:
    1) make a wide variety of things to sell with different prices
    2) have things that are somewhat cheap, that will bring others to your table as well
    3) make sure your booth has some nice shelving or different levels to put things on to display it helps to have things at different heights & means you can display more things & a place to keep extra inventory (such as under the table under a table cloth) & make sure your display is distinct from the one next to your table buy adding table cloths of different colors or have shelves or something to display so customers know where your table ends.
    4)make sure things are priced, alot of people will turn away from wanting to buy something from you if it's not well labeled with the price, customers don't like to have to ask.
    5)it's always a good idea to take things to demonstrate & do it will help draw people to your craft table or you can have a photo album of the things you have already made for customers to look through that might help you to get more orders (this is espically good if you don't have a certain item you have made in the past with you at your display & might get you other orders which is always a good thing).
    6) always make sure to have plenty to drink & to eat, espically if you are the only one going to be selling & figure out how you will take potty breaks if you are by yourself.
    7)have lots of change & smaller bills & if you accept credit cards, have a sign out to let customers know if you dont take credit cards make sure you have a sign that shows that as well (same for taking personal checks, usually better to take cash or credit instead of personal checks, no way to get your money back without alot of hassels if you take checks & they bounce).
    8)make sure you have lots of inventory for things that might sell out fast unless you are doing a local show & can get more inventory 1)either brought to you if needed or 2) can bring with you the next day.
    9)make sure you have a place to keep larger bills (preferably locked up & out of sight).
    10)make sure you include your information with the purchases, such as website or business card so if they want other items they will have a way to contact you after the craft show. & have cute bags to put purchases in, makes for better sales. Most of all have fun & talk to your customers, maybe add a guest book for customers to sign, this makes for a great way to have addresses for customers later or if you have discount coupons or get email addresses for later purchases or if you run out of inventory etc. Another thing have lots of pens & paper in case you need to write things down for special orders if you take them. If you decide to take special orders make sure to get half the money up front (helps to buy supplies) & makes it that you get something in case the customer decides later on that they don't want that item or don't pay you for it after it's finshed (yes it's to bad but it does happen). Another nice thing is try to have some candy to put out in a dish, sometimes it helps with little kids while you are talking to their parents about a sale & it's nice for your customers too. The last thing I can think of is always remember one customer can always lead to more so have lots of fun & smile alot & be sure to thank your customers even if they don't buy anything because they might just be going to get some money, or their friends, or talk things over with hubby so you want to make a good impression. I wish you the BEST OF SUCCESS!!!! Please let us know how the craft show goes. Your crochet friend Patti

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