I'm not at all trying to push my blog site on anyone, many of you already subscribe to it for which I very much appreciate. I keep saying how I've met so many wonderful new friends thru my blog site and I love that part of it! And to be able to write patterns now is amazing, a little hard sometimes but challenging, which I love taking on.

I just want to be sure you're aware that I now have an affiliate link to Craftsy on there now, and was thrilled to be approved! Anyone can now buy anything Craftsy has to offer, lessons (that are up to 50% off for National Crochet Month this month), yarn, crochet materials and for every craft that exists, or even just join up thru my Craftsy link on the site to join their site for free. They also send me update discounts and offers from time to time hat I can offer people.

IF anyone wants to subscribe easily for the blog site, you can do it here: Subscribe To My Blog | Soul Shine Creations By Susan

Thx again for your continued support and kind comments you send me in private and in the blog site comment section, it means the world to me If you know my 'crochet story', crochet has turned my life around and changed it so much for the better, by helping me focus on a wonderful crafts instead of letting chronic pain and disease control my life, which it used to do. That was existing,now I'm living again on most days, and it's not easy but the joy it brings is unbelievable! Many of you have poor health issues, so you can relate, because some of you have told me your story in private, and some on the blog posts as a features subscriber. We all have our reasons for crochet, and the love I feel for it has more than pleasantly surprised me and my husband & people who know me well. Even tho I have excessive tendonitis from 2 of my health issues, and my wrists and shoulders never stop hurting, they're going to hurt along with the rest of my body anyway so I might as well crochet and have some beautiful and useful things to show for it! And when it hurts too bad to lie down, I stay up and crochet until I"m so sleepy I can't hold my eyes open.