Asking for prayer for my husband. I have asked for prayer for him before. My sons will be taking him to Zion,Ill. Feb.9th The new cancer pill has been helping him a lot --but they need to give him chemo every other week for the small spots on his liver. Praying for a good report. He has never smoked but the people he worked with did. They didn't think he had much time left but it has been 2 years. God has really been good to us. There have been set backs but a new cancer pill for his type of lung cancer just came out in Sept-2013. That was a true God send. He doesn't use a cane or a walker anymore and even went bowhunting this past fall--we could hardly believe it because this summer he was in so much pain. Our daughter died of cancer after 2 years of fighting it at age 21. I guess that is making me a little nervous --but I know it shouldn't --everything is in God's hands but sometimes my insides get so nervous. So thanks for the prayers and letting me vent. It helps a lot.